Allgemein Workshops

Handstand Workshop mit Andrey Moraru am 22.02.25 in Aschaffenburg

Workshop Description: 

If you want to unlock balancing skills and learn how to control your body in handstands, join us for the Hand Balancing workshop with Andrey Moraru.

You will learn to understand what it takes to balance on hands and how to develop symmetrical alignment in handstand positions. We will also go over various ways to enter a handstand and work on body engagement in order to make consistent progress in your training. You will understand how different steps and stages of practice lead to learning a one arm handstand. 

This workshop is aimed at the very foundation of the balance practice which can be applied for all levels of hand balancing skill.


Andrey Moraru is an internationally renowned performance artist. Starting his professional journey at a College of Circus and Variety Arts in Kiev, Ukraine in the early 2000’s, Andrey has traveled the world performing a fusion of hand balance and contemporary dance. He taught hand balance starting in 2011 and won awards at «Mondial du Cirque de Demain» in Paris in 2016. Andrey’s career in the U.S. started in Las Vegas when he joined the cast of «Le Reve», the aquatic spectacle created by Dragone in early 2005. He has since toured and performed in various shows and taught hand balance workshops and retreats worldwide.

22.02.2025, 10.00-13.00 Uhr

Boppstrasse 5, 63741 Aschaffenburg

Kosten: 100,00 Euro

Sascha Faltinger


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